Aquatic Weed Control
Our experienced professionals work closely with major herbicide manufacturers, environmental biologists, and land managers in developing the most beneficial weed control strategies tailored to meet and exceed our customers’ specific vegetation management goals. Our rapidly growing Aquatics Division is undergoing exciting changes as we expand not only the geographic area we service, but the scope and scale of the programs we manage.
When developing a vegetation management program, it is important to practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles; which includes a balance among chemical, biological, and mechanical means of weed control. Here at SprayCo, we specialize in the application of herbicides, and believe it is the most effective and versatile management strategy for controlling nuisance aquatic plant populations. Herbicides provide longer lasting control, and ultimately cost less than the labor intensive, temporary relief achieved by mechanical methods. Herbicides are an integral part of controlling invasive weeds; however, correct weed identification and herbicide selection are extremely important factors in developing an effective program, and that’s just what we do.

Who benefits from the Aquatic Weed Control services Sprayco provides?
Water & Flood Control Districts
Municipalities & County Agencies
River Authorities
Lakefront property owners
Pond Owners
Drainage Canals & Irrigation Systems
Land Developers
Industrial: outflow ditches
Treatment Ponds
Parks & Golf Coarse Ponds
Community Maintenance groups
Home Owners Associations
Environmental Risk Management:
Applicators are licensed through the Texas Dept. of Ag, and trained at the Houston Area Safety Council
All chemicals are EPA approved and applied according to label requirements.
Methods of Application:
Our fleet is well equipped and able to combat any aquatic weed infestation
Airboat application for any size job-GPS tracks defined upon completion
Pro Drive Jon boat for restricted access areas
ATV Application along canals, shorelines, and around smaller ponds
We have the experience, we have the equipment, given the chance, we’ll put it to good work for you!
Brush Control
Integrated Vegetation Management For Utility Right-of-Ways
Our ever-growing Right-of-Way department can handle even your biggest jobs. Whether it’s acres of spraying and mowing, or miles of tree clearance you need- we provide the best in pipeline and utility right-of-way maintenance through both chemical and mechanical management.

Utility: Native Grass Release
Fact: Overgrown utility right-of-ways (ROWs) do not support native grass establishment or healthy habitat.
Problem: Mechanical methods are often destructive, and can’t provide long-term control of unwanted vegetation.
Solution: Herbicides deliver effective, long-lasting control of unwanted vegetation, and help release native grasses and wildlife-preferred forage on utility ROWs.
Suitable for difficult terrain and any height/density brush.
High-Volume Foliar (ground broadcast): Selective control with minimal understory runoff and off-target damage. Best for medium-to high- density brush up to 10 feet in height.
Low-Volume Foliar (backpack): Selectively treats individual foliage with low-to-medium density and heights to 10 feet. Superior efficiency, minimal chemical load.
Cut surface: Ideal for areas where mechanical equipment
can’t reach. Prevents resprouting. Cutting required only once, stumps can be treated immediately or several weeks later.
Basal bark: Low-profile and lowimpact on terrain, highly selective. Treats individual stems, best for low-stem density sites. Can be performed in the dormant season.
Environmental Services

Invasive Species Eradication
Wetland Restoration
Duck Pond Maintenance
Wildlife habitat Restoration
Land Clearing
Brush Removal
Pond Restructuring
Tree Inventory Reporting
Hazard Tree Identification
Tree Removal & Trimming
Specialized projects designed to manage specific vegetation management needs. Land clearing, invasive species eradication, tree inventory reporting, pond restructuring.
Bareground or Soil Sterilization
Areas where zero vegetation – “bareground applications” may be the best options are:

Manufacturing Facilities
Rail Roads / Switch Yards
Substation / Service Centers
Industrial /Auto yards
Petroleum Tank Farms
Fence lines

The benefits of Bareground Application
Lower cost and time consumption than mechanical methods
Increases worker and site safety
Reduces breeding habitats for pests
Decreases water damage to materials, buildings and property
Industries We Serve
Oil and Gas, Electric Co-ops, Government, River Authorities, Water and Utility Companies, Business Parks, Commercial, Sub Stations, etc…